I've been trying to get my life in order before I return to school, and just adjusting to a time change has been difficult. This year I will finally be moving out of the dorms and into my own apartment. When everything runs smoothly and there are no bumps this can seem very exciting, until you hit a bump and it makes you feel as if your entire train has been de-railed. I need to find several large pieces of furniture, and the money for them, as well as what I expect to be a very large ticket (for speeding), once I go to court to attempt to change what it is for, to avoid a large monthly car insurance bill.
One way to avoid all the troubles, worries, and unhappiness is to dream, and right now I am dreaming about perfect fall outfits for school and I found some really lovely ones courtesy of
WishWishWish (Thank-You!)
I am looking forward to the day when my hair is finally long enough to put up into Heidi braids like her! And I hope that I'll figure out how to use my camera/take pictures so I'll stop using up everyone else's wonderful ideas...