Thursday, April 29, 2010


The work of four years' reward is in jeopardy.

I cried. But, I'll just have to pull through.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cherry Blossoms

It has been about 70F for the past 2 weeks, and even up to 90F yesterday, so all the trees have bloomed quickly and begun to sprout little leaves. All the warm weather has brought the city back to life, and even though I find myself trapped in a library writing a thesis, I am still dreaming about spring, summer, warm weather and other lovely little things...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Oh Baby...

Spring Along

These are from various blogs, most likely Wildfox and Wikstenmade, I'm just so tired right now. Need to finish packing for D.C.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Works of note

Here are a few images of artwork I saw, that are stuck in my mind:

Figure in a Mountain Landscape I, Peter Doig.

Some wild and lovely nail art Via a nail art blog, but sadly, I've forgotten the name.

Jim Hodges, No Betweens. This work is giant and amazing in person.

Image by Lewis Carroll

Antiquarian Dutch tiles of children playing. Via The Rijks museum.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Strep and Knitting

I have wanted a cowl since i saw the yummy black cashmere YSL last winter. Even on sale it was $300, so when strep presented itself I finally got around to knitting one and updating this. I started this at 11am today, and even with miscellaneous errands I managed to finish by 8pm today. Yeahh me. I put in on ravelry and titled it "Big Fat Cow(l)" The color makes me think of Opening Ceremony in New York.

The yarn is from Twinkle. I c/o 60, knit 3 rows in rib stitch, and then alternated the rib stitch until it was long enough for my neck/head. Then I knit 3 more rows in an alternating rib and casted off. I used almost 2 skeins.